And this is what Poland is

Te Ioannem

A pontifical Mass in the church of Capuchin friars in Warsaw on the occasion of the anniversary of the battle of Vienna celebrated by card. Kakowski. On the right, in the chair, President Mościcki.

As fr. Franciszek Kwiatkowski SI relates in the book Z pogranicza filozofii i teologii. Wykłady dla katolickiej inteligencji: “To thank God for the victory a hymn composed on the melody of Te Deum was sung for many years in Rome during the procession on every anniversary of the battle of Vienna: Te Ioannem laudamus:

We praise Thee, O John – we acknowledge Thee brave – Thou, brave knight – The whole Church venerates – To Thee, all faithful to Christ – To Thee Venetians and Italian powers – To Thee, the Pope and the Emperor – Continually do cry: – “Brave, brave, brave – King of Poland! – Heaven and earth are full – Of the majesty of Thy braveness”.