Cappella Papale

Resurrection Sunday

06Solemn Pontifical Mass celebrated by Holy Father John XXIII (unfortunately celebrating already without falda). The Paschal candle standing on the left suggests that this is a Mass on Resurrection Sunday; perhaps the stand covered in white, leaned against a candlestick, was used to sing a Gospel.

At the altar there are from the left: a bishop assistant at the candle, an assistant cardinal bishop, the pope and an apostolic deacon behind whom one can see the papal Master of Ceremonies. Further on, there are other masters of ceremonies, a thurifer and bishops assistants. Below, in the middle, they are cardinal deacons kneeling. On the lowest step on the left a crucifer subdeacon is kneeling, next to whom there is a processional cross leaned against the base of a pillar; in the middle, an apostolic subdeacon, on the sides of whom a hipodeacon and a deacon of the Bizantine Rite are standing. In the picture there are also torch-bearers prelates and prelates di mantellone (in mantellone or in the winter croccia).