Cruets from Nagyvárad
Cruets from the first quarter of the 16th century, gilded gold, Hungary. The foot and belly are decorated with pear and leaf motifs, while the…
Wawel monstrance
17th-century baroque monstrance donated by Michał Oborski, auxiliary bishop of Kraków. According to legend, the cross on it, set with diamonds, was supposed to belong…
Retablo Mayor de Sevilla
The largest reredos in the world which is located in the Cathedral of Saint Mary of the See in Seville. It was designed in 1482…
In the photo one can see a beautiful set of vestments used during priestly ordination performed by Bishop Alfons de Galarreta on June 28, 2019,…
Altare Cathedrae Sancti Petri
The Altar of the Cathedral located in the apse of the Basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican captured, presumably, in a short period of…
Cross of Mathilda
Cross of Mathilda, a processional crux gemmata commissioned by Teofano, the abbess of the canoness’ monastery in Essen, in honor of her predecessor, Mathilda II,…
Rose cassock
A rose cardinal cassock with a train from the first half of the 18th century. Twice a year, on the third Sunday of Advent, called…
Chasuble from Kremsmünster
Rekwialny ornat z benedyktyńskiego opactwa Kremsmünster w Austrii z przedstawieniem na czarnym aksamicie Śmierci wspierającej się na kosie i mającej pod stopami różne oznaki władzy…
Cross of Lothair
Processional crux gemmata (jewelled cross) from the treasury of the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary in Aachen, made before the year 1000. Core of oak…
Corona Christi
A crystal, gold-decorated reliquary of the Crown of Thorns, currently stored in the treasury of the Cathedral of the Notre-Dame in Paris; late 19th century.
St. Deodatus
A relic of St. Deodatus, a martyr, Rheinau, Switzerland. These remains, along with many others, were found in the 16th century in accidentally discovered Roman…
Reliquary from Offida
The reliquary from Offida (XIII century), containing the Host miraculously transformed into the bleeding Body of Christ and a fragment of the True Cross
Lindau Gospels
The front cover of the Gospel Book from the end of the 9th century from the Benedictine Abbey of St. Gallen in Switzerland.
Viking pontificals
The crosier of a narwhal tusk and the gold ring belonging to the Bishop of Gardar, the medieval Norman settlement in the southern Greenland.
Cathedra Petri
The Altar of the Chair of St. Peter located in the western apse of the Vatican Basilica. The bronze reliquary containing a wooden throne which,…
In rose(s)
A Solemn High Mass celebrated by priests of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest at the Cathedral of St. Romulus in Fiesole (Tuscany)…
Chasuble from Salzburg
A Medieval chasuble (11th century) from the Benedictine Archabbey of St. Peter in Salzburg. It is made of dark blue and black silk, and adorned with…
Epiphany 2012
Pope Benedict XVI is kneeling at the faldstool decorated, like the pillow lying on it, with the coat of arms of Leo XIII during the…
Tiara of Benedict XVI
The tiara presented to Benedict XVI by a group of German Catholics in May 2011. It was made of a mixture of silver, brass and…
The choir of the Cathedral of Saint Mary in Toledo [the source of the image].
Monstrance from Lanciano
The silver reliquary from Lanciano containing in crystal containers the Body and Blood of Christ miraculously transformed during Holy Mass celebrated in 700 A.D by…