Bp. Benziger
Aloysius Maria Benzinger O.C.D. (1864-1942, born Adelrich Ludwig), Swiss clergyman, in the years 1905-1931 Bishop of Quilon in India (now Kollam), in the prelatic dress…
Lu Zhengxiang (1871-1949) dressed as a Chinese diplomat and in abbot’s pontifical vestments. Born in a Chinese Protestant family, he made a career in diplomacy:…
Fr. Zavoral O.Praem.
Fr. Metoděj Jan Nepomuk Zavoral (1862 – 1942) in choir dress with a mozzetta made of white watered silk. From 1906, the abbot of the…
Grand Master Chigi
His Most Eminent Highness Fra’ Ludovico Chigi della Rovere Albani Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem,…
Trappists from Kentucky
The chant of the Passion of the Lord according to St. Matthew on Sunday in Ramis Palmarum at the Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani,…
Benedictines from Krzeszów
Nuns from the Benedictine convent in Krzeszów during a choir prayer in the monastery chapel. In the centre, on a platform, you may see the…
Amadeus de Bie O.Cist.
Gerardus Franciscus Amadeus de Bie O.Cist., Abbot of the monastery in Bornem in Belgium, and then the Abbot General of the Cistercian Order in the…
Prostration during the chant of the Litany of All Saints at the liturgy of the Holy Saturday before the great altar of the Benedictine Abbey…
Priestly ordination celebrated probably on Saturday preceding Passion Sunday, i.e. Palm Sunday, in the Dominican church of Santa Cruz La Real in Granada. New priests,…
Burning of palms
Nuns burning from last year’s Palm Sunday liturgy, from which the ash will be used during the celebration of the Ash Wednesday, the Cathedral of…
Jesuit novices during the meditate in cemetery at their formation house in Los Gatos, California, USA.
Card. Canali
Nicola Cardinal Canali, the Grand Prior of Rome of the Order of Malta from 1938 to 1961, with the ribbon of the Bailiff Grand Cross…
Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta Ludovico Chigi della Rovere Albani…
At St. Andrew’s
The adoration of the Cross on Good Friday in the Belgian Benedictine Abbey of St. Andrew in Bruges, A.D. 1935. Next to the cross, lying…
Adoratio crucis
The Archbishop of Lima Juan Landázuri Ricketts O.F.M. adoring the cross during the service on Good Friday. The bishop celebrating the liturgy did this only…
Remember, man, that thou art dust and unto dust thou shalt return.
White cappa
Fr. Bernard Pennings O.Praem., the Abbot of St. Norbert Abbey in De Pere, during the recitation of preparatory prayers before a Mass.
Father Pio O.F.M. Cap. during the celebration of a Holy Mass. We pay attention to the good visible shaven of the tonsure.
Carthusian nun
The Carthusian nuns have retained the privilege of the consecration of virgins, which they have inherited from the nuns of Prébayon. The consecration, which is…
Receive me, o Lord
John Henry Bacon – Suscipe me, Domine.
Bp. Marcel-François Lefebvre from the Congregation of the Holy Spirit under the protection of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. From 1947 Vicar Apostolic of Dakar…