At Jasna Góra
The first and only official visit of the Chief of State Józef Piłsudski to Jasna Góra, on October 20, 1921, to express gratitude for the victory over the Bolsheviks a year earlier. On that day, a Holy Mass for the intention of the commander-in-chief and the Republic was celebrated in the Chapel of the Miraculous Image by his personal chaplain, prelate Marian Tokarzewski. Afterwards, Józef Piłsudski read the Act of Consecration of Poland to the Blessed Virgin Mary and her continuous protection. In the photo on the left, with a chapter cross on the chest and with a ring on his hand, is standing Fr. Michał Ciesielski, a gremial (titular) canon and prelate-custodian of the Collegiate Chapter in Kalisz, and a bit further, on the right hand of the Marshal, in a zimarra and a sash with tassels, Fr. Władysław Krynicki, titular bishop of Acathus and auxiliary bishop of the diocese of Włocławek, or Kalisz, usually called the diocese of Kujawy and Kalisz.