Accipe tiaram
Accipe tiaram tribus coronis ornatam et scias te esse Patrem Principum et Regum, Rectorem Orbis, in terra Vicarium Salvatoris nostri Iesu Christi, cui est honor…
Anniversary of the coronation
Holy Mass celebrated in the Sistine Chapel by Cardinal Merry del Val in the presence of Pope Pius X on the occasion of the ninth…
Pro pace
His Holiness Pope Benedict XV during a prayer for peace, kneeling at the faldstool in front of the altar in the Sistine Chapel.
Pius X on a bier
The body of Pius X (died August 20, 1914) resting on the catafalque in the Holy Sacrament Chapel, connecting with the Apostolic Palace, in the…
Pope Pius XI leaving the Sistine Chapel on the sedia gestatoria.
Pope John XXIII giving his blessing at the conclusion of the Holy Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica on the opening day of the Second Vatican Council,…
The entrance procession into Vatican Basilica, during which the Holy Father Pius XII is carried on the sedia gestatoria with two fans carried on both sides and…
Corpus Christi in Vatican
A Corpus Christi procession in the Vatican in the time of Pius XI. The Blessed Sacrament, and the pope kneeling in front of him, is…
Paulus P.P. VI
His Holiness Paul VI in the papal pontifical vestments on the day of coronation on June 30, 1963
Papal throne
Pope Pius XI sitting on the throne during the papal liturgy celebrated in the Sistine Chapel. Flabella ♥
Coronation Mass of Benedict XV
The Coronation Holy Mass of Benedict XV, September 6, 1914. It did not take place, as it was customary, in the Basilica of St. Peter,…
John XXIII in pontifical vestments carried on the sedia gestatoria.
Pope John XXIII adoring the the reliquary of the Holy Cross lying on the steps of the altar during a Good Friday ceremony in the…
A prayer
Pope Pius X kneeling at the faldstool in front of the altar in the Sistine Chapel.
The procession of St. Gregory
An illumination of The very rich hours of the Duke de Berry (early 15th century) depicting the procession led by Pope St. Gregory the Great…
The papal litter
Threescore valiant ones of the most valiant of Israel surround the bed of Solomon. All holding swords, and most expert in war: every man’s sword…
Leo XIII in the Sistine Chapel
Pope Leo XIII praying at the faldstool before a Mass in the Sistine Chapel.
Card. Rugambwa
Laurentius Rugambwa first bishop of the diocese of Rukoba located in Tanzania, later archbishop of Dar es Salaam, cardinal priest of the church of St.…
St Peter’s Basilica in Vatican during a solemn Mass coram Summo Pontifice celebrated during the opening of the Second Vatican Council, October 11, 1962.
Holy Father Benedict XV carried on the sedia gestatoria during the procession on the occasion of canonisation of Joan of Arc; this is why the…