Requiem for a cardinal
Aspersion during absolution, which would follow a funeral Mass, and which is being conducted by the Primate of Poland, August Cardinal Hlond, over the coffin…
Card. Hlond on Poland
“We do not desire Poland of one or another party; we want Poland free from divisions; we want Poland that would be the Republic of…
To Saint Anthony of Padua
szukam ewangelii z przedsoborowych tłumaczeń spod gęsiego pióra Jakuba Wujka w której czytano “onego czasu” fruwały ptaki niebieskie rósł kąkol nieogolony pacholę podawało koszyk na…
Primate Wyszyński
Primate Stefan Wyszyński during a Solemn Pontifical Mass celebrated on 8 May 1953 at the Skałka in Kraków.
B.M.V. Claromontanae seu Czenstochoviensis
Omnipotens et misericors Deus, qui ad defensionem populi Polonici in beatissima Virgine Maria perpetuum auxilium mirabiliter constituisti, eiusque sacram Imaginem Claromontanam solemni fidelium veneratione insignem…
A field Mass
A field Mass on the courtyard of the Nowości Theatre during the Warsaw Uprising. Despite such a difficult time people did not cease to make…
The Warsaw Uprising
A Mass for the soldiers of the AK Battalion Miłosz in a YMCA gymnasium. The Mass of the September Campaign, of the uprisings in the…
Poland ♥
Pontifical Mass in the St. John’s Archcathedral in Warsaw celebrated from the faldstool by the metropolitan of Poznań, abp. Antoni Baraniak, in 1966, on the occasion…
St. Joseph Sebastian Pelczar
Saint Joseph Sebastian Pelczar – the bishop of Przemyśl and the founder of the Sister Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Una sancta
A photo of Divine Liturgy in the church of Warsaw Basilian monks. The information we have received proves that the differences between the contemporary liturgy…
Corpus Christi
Card. Hlond leads the Corpus Christi procession in the ruined Warsaw (1946). The thurifers walk very correctly – they are not turned backwards, but sideways to Sanctissimum. However the…
A Resurrection procession
A ressurection procession. It was the year 1936, so the stole on the cross was still crossed: later on, this custom was abolished. On the front of…
Confession of faith of the members of a synod made before the papal legate sitting on the throne in the spread cappa magna. The distinctive…
A papal bull
Prelate Stanisław Janasik at the foot of the high altar in the basilica of the Jasna Góra Monastery reads a papal bull. The Holy Father appoints…
Under a baldachin
Because this is how a bishop should walk – under a baldachin. With pompons, of course :)
A plenary synod
The first Plenary Synod of Polish Bishops in the Jasna Góra Monastery in the year 1936. The papal legate, card. Marmaggi (in a tabarro and…
Abp. Baraniak
Father Antoni Baraniak, Metropolitan Archbishop of Poznań, while drinking the Most Precious Blood during the solemn field Mass celebrated on June 19, 1966 in front…
Dirigatur, Domine
Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński, Metropolitan Archbishop of Gniezno and Warsaw and the Primate of Poland, during the incense of the altar cross at the beginning of…
The Shrine of Our Lady of Częstochowa
The Shrine of Miraculous Image of Our Lady in the Jasna Góra Monastery in 1933.